Thursday, Apr. 6, 2006
I have been a very busy baby since my last post. I am a cruisin' gal now. (for those of you non-parents out there, cruising means walking while holding onto furniture, playpen, walker, anything really that is about my height) My new favorite thing to do is cruise the couch while mommy is laying on it. I love to give her a kiss each time I make it to the end her head is laying at. Of course mommy and daddy think this is the cutest thing EVER. Daddy is SO jealous because he thinks mommy gets more kisses than he does. To that I say, don't worry dude. You know I love you more than my new monkey.
In addition to my physical achievements, I am babbling now too. I say, "ba ba ba ba ba" and "la la la la la". It is especially funny when I do this with a mouth full of cheerios. I said, "ma ma" and "da da" a couple of times on accident, but haven't quite mastered my mouth skills to perfection just yet. Also, the suspense is killing both mommy and daddy. They cant wait for me to say "ma ma" and "da da". They don't realize that I am on to them. I figure I will keep it in and hold it over their heads until they agree to buy me the new Curious George tickle-n-giggle doll I have my eye on at Target.
Of course I must mention my new flair for dancing as well. Yesterday, Mommy turned on some cheesy 80's dance music and I couldn't help but bust loose with perfect rhythm (I did not inherit rhythm from my daddy, but I do have him to thank for my rather lengthy eyelashes) Anyway. My dancing repertoire is quite hilarious. I feel sure that the next time I have a larger audience present they will be simply enthralled with my interpretation of Madonna's, "Lucky Star".
Hugs and kisses to everyone. May you all be blessed with as many cheerios as your hearts desire.
More pics Below!!
Me and my new monkey...
I really like this new monkey...
worried girl... "Did you say bedtime?"
Cheeky with chicky...