Thursday, Apr. 13, 2006
In Acceptance...
Today I am 9 months old! Mommy keeps talking about it a lot, so it must be a great achievement. Hmm, I wonder if I will need to make an acceptance speech at dinner tonight. I guess I should be prepared in case the occasion arises.
First, I would like to thank my mommy and daddy:
- They dance around the living room making total fools of themselves until I giggle.
- They make silly noises while I eat, believing this is the only way to convince me to open my mouth for the next disgusting bite of Gerber chicken (yuck).
- They play peek-a-boo with me 45 times in a row if that is what I desire at the time.
- They let me splash water all over the place at bath time, even though I secretly know this is completely unnecessary.
- Even when I scream for no apparent reason, they still think I am cute as a button.
- They continue to let me play with the remote even though I single-handedly deprogrammed our cable box with the touch of one button.
Second, I would like to thank all of my extended family that do many of the above things as well as:
- Gammy and Pops take me to church where I sing and disagree with the sermon as I see fit.
- Nanny and Poppy take me to restaurants and teach me new things each time I see them.
- Aunt Shala gives the BEST eskimo kisses and is the only one for whom I will reciprocate such kisses.
- My Aunt Brooke sends me her love everyday all the way from Houston and soon will have a new cousin for me to play with.
- My cousin Lauren and her boyfriend sing silly songs and sometimes dance to entertain me.
Third, I would like to thank all of the friends and family that visit my site everyday to read my silly stories and view my super cute pictures.
And Fourth, but certainly not least. I would like to thank General Mills for producing the fantastic yummy goodness of CHEERIOS! (you know I had to mention cheerios)