Friday, Aug. 04, 2006
Playing Dress Up...
Mommy, I'm not sure these shoes go with this dress. Am I seriously wearing this today? Or are you just going to make me sit in the window again to entertain the passersby in exchange for french fries?
Or is this my punishment for throwing prunes at you this morning?
Oh, I get it. I am suppose to be hip-hop Bellabug today. No worries, I can roll like that...
Or maybe you want me to go for Disco Bellabug? I'm savvy...
I am ashamed to admit that I am starting to enjoy this a bit.
Even with the Fashion Faux Pas...
It figures. Just as I began having a little bit of fun, the fashion police caught up with me.
I surrender...
Can somebody please come bail me out?
And bring me some decent clothes?
...and while your at it, throw in some ice cream!