Thursday, September 14, 2006
Bellabug's Dictionary...
Do you speak Bellabug? If not, it's time for a lesson.
I have added many words to my vocabulary and invented
some as well. Here are a few you need to know
in order to communicate with me.
hello(formally pronounced: "eh whoa" or slang version: "oh")
- means phone, cellphone or anything else you can hold
up to your ear and say "eh whoa" into.
(i.e. french fry, spoon, toothbrush)
that (pronounced "dat")
-as in what is dat I am pointing at? ...and dat? and dat?
I can go on all day pointing at things so you
can tell me what they are. I am very nosy.
meow (pronounced "mow" - rhymes with "how")
- this term can mean many things... for example:
a cat, a cat's meow, any animal that resembles a cat,
any animal that does not resemble a cat
uh oh (traditional pronunciation)
- I have just dropped something on purpose and want you
to pick it up so that I can drop it again.
I like to repeat this process atleast 47 times.
Anything less is simply unacceptable.
Other words I can say in some form
of my own making...
mama - dada - ball - cat - dog
pop - juice - hi - bye-bye - shoe
nana - duck - book - baba (bottle)