Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2006

Lost and Found...

Anyone know what the reward is
for finding Nemo?

Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2006

You Found Me...

It's official. Bellabug has a new home.
I hope you all like the new design.

As always, I'll be posting most weekdays.

Don't forget to bookmark me!

Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2006

Pretty in Pink...

14 months - pink outfit5

14 months - pink outfit7

14 months - pink outfit4 14 months - pink outfit9

14 months - pink outfit3 14 months - pink outfit1

Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2006

Got Milk?

14 months - got milk3

14 months - got milk1

14 months - got milk4

14 months - got milk2

Friday, September 15, 2006

On the Road Again...

On my way to the land of spoiled rotten.
Yep, going to see the Grandparents.

Here is how the ride will go...

14 months - brown eyed girl10

Pretty content with the riding situation.
I'm watching Nemo and about to
drink my bottle.

Secretly wondering how far it is to McDonalds.

10 minutes later...
14 months - brown eyed girl 14

Still zoned in on the movie. But in
the back of my mind there is
this little voice chanting,

"french fries, french fries, I want french fries"

5 minutes later...
14 months - brown eyed girl8

I begin to stare off into the distance looking
for any sign of the golden arches.

3 minutes later...

14 months - brown eyed girl 15

Losing hope...
How much further could it possibly be?

2 minutes later...

14 months - brown eyed girl13

Outraged. This is America!

Isn't there suppose to be atleast 3
McDonalds per square mile?

1 minute later...

14 months - brown eyed girl9

All hope is lost. Resigned to the fact that
I won't be seeing Ronald anytime soon.

30 seconds later...

14 months - brown eyed girl11

Did you say McDonalds?
What a fabulous idea!
I am so glad you thought of it.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bellabug's Dictionary...

14 months - brown eyed girl 4crop

Do you speak Bellabug? If not, it's time for a lesson.
I have added many words to my vocabulary and invented
some as well. Here are a few you need to know
in order to communicate with me.

14 months - brown eyed girl 3

hello(formally pronounced: "eh whoa" or slang version: "oh")
- means phone, cellphone or anything else you can hold
up to your ear and say "eh whoa" into.
(i.e. french fry, spoon, toothbrush)

14 months - brown eyed girl 5

that (pronounced "dat")
-as in what is dat I am pointing at? ...and dat? and dat?
I can go on all day pointing at things so you
can tell me what they are. I am very nosy.

14 months - brown eyed girl6

meow (pronounced "mow" - rhymes with "how")
- this term can mean many things... for example:
a cat, a cat's meow, any animal that resembles a cat,
any animal that does not resemble a cat

14 months - brown eyed girl 2

uh oh (traditional pronunciation)
- I have just dropped something on purpose and want you
to pick it up so that I can drop it again.

I like to repeat this process atleast 47 times.
Anything less is simply unacceptable.

14 months - brown eyed girl 1

Other words I can say in some form
of my own making...

mama - dada - ball - cat - dog

pop - juice - hi - bye-bye - shoe

nana - duck - book - baba (bottle)

Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2006

14 months - flower power1

14 months - flower power2

Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006


Believe it or not, I get my fair share of email.
Mostly from family and friends, but I am getting
more and more each day from complete strangers too.
Most of the questions are about my pictures.
Instead of trying to reply to each email,
I will post some of them here...

What camera does your mommy use
to take your pictures?

Up until mid July, all pics were taken
with a Nikon Coolpix 200. Now all
of my pics are taken with a
Canon S2 IS Powershot.

Does your Mommy edit your pictures?

Yes, of course Mommy edits my pictures.
Most of the time I am running around like a
hyperactive monkey. So the pictures turn
out pretty wonky until she crops, sharpens
and resizes them.

How does your Mommy get your
black & white pics to look crisp and
contrasted instead of monochromatic gray?

Well, I surely have no idea.
I'm not even allowed to touch the camera.
But I asked her and she said that they
frequently look mono/gray until she
sharpens, lightens/darkens and adds
contrast with her editing software.

If you are a novice to photography
(like Mommy) a good editor can work
miracles. She uses the Nikon editing
software that came with her first camera.

How does your Mommy add borders
to your pictures?

This is a feature that came with Xanga,
but is probably offered by most
blog/photo hosting sites.

Does your Mommy really take
pictures of you everyday?
How does she have the time to do that?

Almost everyday.
You see, we usually sit around eating bonbons
on the days I'm not slaving away posing for pictures.
We have plenty of time to kill. We just tie a dust rag
around the cat's tails and then I chase and terrorize
them until the floors sparkle.

Shouldn't I be getting an allowance for this?

But Seriously...

We are so flattered to receive such complements
and questions about the website and the pictures
featured here. Please feel free to continue
emailing me... especially if you are
sending complements...


Monday, Sept. 11, 2006

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Yesterday was opening day for
the KC Chiefs...

13 months - chiefs1

Daddy said I need to learn
"how we do Sunday football up in here"

13 months - chiefs9

I learned that we always
cheer for the Chiefs in this house...

13 months - chiefs5 13 months - chiefs7

Because Daddy says so...

13 months - chiefs6 13 months - chiefs3

But sometimes we get
frustrated with the team too...

13 months - chiefs4

And there is something called,
"half time" which really just means
it's time to EAT...

13 months - chiefs2

But in the end
I learned the hardest
lesson of all...

13 months - chiefs8

The agony of defeat.

13 months - chiefs13

After much thought and deliberation,
I decided to join my Daddy in
becoming a Chiefs fan...

13 months - chiefs10

But only because there isn't
a Pink team in the NFL.

Friday, Sept. 8, 2006

Bella Shares Her Throne...

13 months - bella & jaxson2

...with Jaxson.

Thursday, Sept. 7, 2006

Happy Birthday...

13 months - thirsty my Aunt Sha-la-la!!

Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2006

It's Official...

The one baby that could possibly be as
adorable as ME has finally shown her face.

Vanity Fair Cover

I must admit, the spawn of TomKat is
pretty darn cute...

But do I look worried?

13 months - labor day4

The results are in...

13 months - labor day7

Reigning champ...


13 months - labor day5

Anyone else think they have what it takes?

13 months - labor day8

Bring it on!

(Cruise photo credit: photographer Annie Leibovitz, Published byVanity Fair Magazine)

Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006

Dish Duty...

13 months - labor day12

...on Labor Day?

p.s. I promise to post all of the pics from my
HUGE FUN Labor Day weekend tomorrow.

Friday, Sept. 1, 2006

Farm Girl...

13 months - backyard crop

Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006

Bite that toe...

This video has been archived. To view it, click here:

Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006

Bella Claims Her Throne...

Okay. I've had a lot of fun playing on
the floor this past year...

13 months - she climbs14

But I am SO over it...

13 months - she climbs15

I just had to see what life is like up there...

13 Months - she climbs9

Where the big people sit...

13 months - she climbs7

Of course, this idea made Mommy
very nervous...

13 Months - she climbs10

But to her dismay, I finally made it...

13 months - she climbs3

I claimed my throne...

13 Months - she climbs4

over and over again...

13 months - she climbs13

throwing caution to the wind...

13 Months - she climbs12

approximately 327 times...

13 months - she climbs11

Mommy managed to remain calm
and somewhat sane...

13 months - she climbs6

But there's always tomorrow.